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Microsoft SharePoint Consulting in Chicago

ActivSupport's Microsoft SharePoint consulting teams in Chicago cover the greater metropolitan area.

ActivSupport's MS SharePoint consulting team in Chicago is highly skilled with SharePoint Portal Server 2003 and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007. SharePoint, since its 2003 release, has enjoyed success by deploying collaborative web-based portals for Intranet and Extranet applications. ActivSupport, as demonstrated by its longstanding Microsoft Gold Certified Partner status, has earned a solid reputation working with Microsoft Windows and Office servers. Our senior team of SharePoint consultants has acquired field experience by designing, developing and deploying SharePoint portals for hundreds of big and small businesses. ActivSupport’s SharePoint consultants are also available for Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS 2007) training engagements.

Consider ActivSupport's SharePoint consulting teams, and call us for a no-cost, no-obligation consultation by dialing, toll free, 1-877-228-4863, or by using our online contact form.

ActivSupport is a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner and a premier Linux-certified firm located in Chicago. ActivSupport provides flexible IT outsourcing solutions, including network management, help desk outsourcing, software development and computer network consulting to businesses across the nation. Digg Furl Google Windows Live Yahoo MyWeb Newsvine Reddit Slashdot StumbleUpon Technorati

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