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LAMP Consultants in Chicago

Thanks to powerful tools such as AJAX and Ruby, and processes such as rapid development, ActivSupport’s open source LAMP consultants can help you craft web-based applications and software faster and cheaper than with most commercially available alternatives. The open source eco-system includes many business application-driven components that answer the needs of most organizations with a minimal level of customization. ActivSupport’s software experts integrate solutions based on popular open-source packages such as SugarCRM, MediaWiki, Drupal CMS, using Mandrake, Suse, Fedora, RedHat and other Linux distribution packages for a wide array of organizations.
Linux magazine has singled out ActivSupport’s certified staff as its preferred Linux consultants.
For your next development project, consult with a development team that provides a wide array of platform and coding options. From Microsoft Access, through MS SQL & dot net, to LAMP, Linux, Apache, MySQL, Php development, ActivSupport’s custom software development team can propose the most appropriate short-list of options for you. ActivSupport is the Flexible IT Partner.
ActivSupport is a premier Linux-certified firm located in Chicago. ActivSupport provides flexible IT outsourcing solutions, including help desk outsourcing, Linux consulting, and computer network consulting to businesses across the nation. Digg Furl Google Windows Live Yahoo MyWeb Newsvine Reddit Slashdot StumbleUpon Technorati

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