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May 19, 2008 Systems Management News, ActivSupport, Desktops and Servers Virtualization

Scott Gordon, sales engineer at ActivSupport discuss benefits and requirements for successful virtualization of network production environments...

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Oct 21, 2008 Virtualization News: Competition is good.

Increased competition in the virtualization arena is reducing the base software costs and enabling the technology to "trickle down" to small and medium businesses.

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Business News:

Feb 15, 2010 This is a test PR title

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Oct 21, 2008 Affordable Disaster Recovery

In the course of my job as both a pre and a post sales engineer, I have the opportunity to look at and assess the systems in place and used by many small to medium businesses. If there is one thing which stands out and is a common theme, that is the backup systems are consistently inadequate, often not working correctly and unfortunately the business usually has a false sense of security and is living on borrowed time. In speaking with many of my colleagues, we all see the same thing.

Jul 15, 2008 Financing for all your IT needs available now

With SmartPay from Microsoft, you get the tools you need to make your business grow, without paying a dime for six months.

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