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Business Solutions in Chicago

ActivSupport is a no-nonsense providor of business solutions for businesses in the greater Chicago metropolitan area. Take a minute to view our flexible small business IT outsourcing solutions. We offer an “a la carte” menu of services: from remote server monitoring to on-site maintenance to guaranteed emergency response time services and help-desk outsourcing services.

Small Business IT Outsourcing

ActivSupport, a flexible IT partner for hundreds of small businesses, delivers budget predictability and an improved ability for our business customers to respond to opportunities. Whether you’re looking for a comprehensive outsourcing  of IT functions, or you’re interested in widening your in-house IT staff skills, or eager to distribute offices and home agents, ActivSupport can help.

Help Desk Outsourcing

In the age of increasing off-shore outsourcing, ActivSupport invests in the U.S. in order to deliver a higher level of care for all of our customers and to avoid cultural misunderstandings and communication lag times found in the off-shore outsourcing models. Our outsourcing services—whether tailored to corporate computer end-users, in-house IT and computer-network staff, or customers and end-users—are provided from the United States.

  Call ActivSupport now : 877-228-4863