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Affordable Disaster Recovery

One of the most rewarding things that I am able to do in this position is to help business owners realize the current state of affairs and put solutions in place. The problem isn't that the owner or management isn't willing to invest in a good backup and recovery system, in almost every case, it's just that they are not aware of the situation or what would happen if they had a catastrophic failure or disaster of some kind. Once they realize the potential danger, it becomes a priority to insure good backups exist and there is a viable way
While loss of data can be a costly and devastating event , every business has some data which would be deemed absolutely critical to the survival of the business, loss of which could put the business in jeopardy of failing. Data such as this needs to be available and recoverable at all costs and a typical single backup instance is not sufficient. Best practice would be to have multiple backup instances one of which would be stored at a safe offsite location.  The cost of putting best practices in place to accomplish real backup, business continuity and disaster recovery has many times been out of reach for the small and medium business....until now.
ActivVault is a fully managed backup and disaster recovery system which accomplishes all of these things at a cost you can afford. Incremental block level backups occur as often as every 15 minutes, data can be replicated to one or even two offsite data centers and be available for recovery in the event of a disaster or catastrophic failure. Not only that but the system has the capability of bringing up a failed server in a virtualized state until the server is repaired. This means little downtime and a very fast time to recover. Even with a working tape or disk backup system, the usual time to recover a failed server is measured in many hours, perhaps a full day or more. ActivVault can drastically cut that time. There are no tapes to worry about, no backup software to continually pay for updates and support each year. The system is fully contained and managed on a 24/7 basis. ActivVault also includes as a prerequisite, 24/7 server monitoring and care. Each server is monitored on a 24/7 basis and in the event of a failure, the network operations center is immediately notified and attempts remediation. If an issue is unable to be resolved, a ticket is automatically generated and ActivSupport will respond in a proactive manner. We'll typically be aware of a problem before the client is. This Server Care also regularly performs preventative maintenance including updates and patches. The entire solution is fully managed and automated, the client doesn't have to do anything but know their systems are being taken care of.
ActivVault has a number of components which include a local NAS (Network Attached Storage) device, the backup software and agents and the offsite replication component. The solution can be customized for each client and there are different models which are based on the number of servers they support and the total storage. Offsite replication can be customized on a per server, per volume basis so that all data or just critical data can be replicated offsite.
ActivVault is revolutionary in allowing SMB's to finally be able to afford a real backup and disaster recovery solution without breaking the bank. Consider the cost for this solution as insurance for your data. On a cost vs risk basis, it is well worth it and we are exited to be able to offer it to our clients. To find out more or to schedule a free assessment, call ActivSupport at 1-877-ACTIVNET (1-877-228-4863) or use our online contact form
Scott Gordon
Senior Sales Engineer
ActivSupport Inc.
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