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Chicago Microsoft Consultants

Office Communications Server 2007
ActivSupport's Chicago Microsoft consultants are experts at planning, deploying, and supporting Microsoft's suite of business and enterprise class servers. ActivSupport is a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner in advanced infrastructure and an award-winning Microsoft small business specialist.
ActivSupport's Midwest headquarters cover the greater Chicago area.
ActivSupport's Chicago Microsoft consulting team is proud to introduce Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 and its numerous integrated communication features for small and medium-sized businesses. It combines instant messaging, conferencing and Voice Over IP telephony in a fully unified communications platform at a cost-effective price point (Note that the VOIP component can be used as stand-alone or hooked up to an existing PBX.). Digg Furl Google Windows Live Yahoo MyWeb Newsvine Reddit Slashdot StumbleUpon Technorati

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